The Importance of Self Care
Far from being an indulgence, self-care is essential for each of us to be able to function properly day-to-day, particularly when we’re faced with stressful situations or are caring for other people.
A self-care practice is different for each individual, and it’s about more than having a nice bubble bath and a glass of wine. Genuine and nurturing self-care is holistic and is about taking the time to reflect within and listen to what your body, mind and soul needs to calm, centre and reenergise.
It doesn’t have to be complicated or onerous, it can be made up of little activities that help us replenish our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. Here are just a few ideas that can help unwind and recharge, so we can show up as our best selves in our daily lives.
- Start your day right with a simple morning ritual. Rise half an hour earlier than usual and pick a couple of things to spend some mindful time with. Brew yourself a cup of something delicious whether it be tea, coffee…or of course our favourite, koko! Use your favourite cup or mug and take a few moments to inhale the scent of the brew, feel the warmth in the cup and the sensation of the liquid in your body. Take some deep cleansing breaths and set some intentions for your day, or even do some journaling.
- Nourish your body. While cooking dinner every night can be calming and fun for some, if it’s not your idea of self-care then make it easy for yourself. Meal-prep some healthy meals for the week when you have some time, or order some meal kits. Focus on eating whole foods high in nutrition, without denying yourself your favourite treats. Eating high quality dark chocolate is a perfect example – savour every bite and know that you’re getting the health benefits of antioxidants, iron and magnesium, all in one delicious package!
- Slow your brain down throughout the day. Meditation can be a challenge and it’s not for everyone, but taking a few moments to sit quietly and focus on one calming thing can be so energising. Focus on your breath, a mantra or calming phrase, or silently give thanks and appreciation to your body, the earth and the mana – the spirit of life and energy. The ancient practice of giving gratitude combined with deep breathing and quieting your mind has played a central role in many cultures for eons for good reason – it works.
- Turn your bathroom into your own private day spa…even if it’s just for a short time. Whether you have an hour or just a few minutes, you can make the simple process of having a shower a more relaxing task to reset your body and mind. Light a candle or scent diffuser, grab your favourite body products and make your shower a mindful and present experience. Notice the different scents, textures and sensations and use the time to ground yourself and reset. Packed with organic, natural ingredients, our Koko Smooth range of body and face scrubs, masks and serums are the ideal way to give yourself a mini escape from the outside world, while giving your skin some alofa – love.
Incorporating restorative self-care practices into our daily routines can have a significant impact on our overall well-being, and these are just a few easy ideas. So, take some time for yourself and try out these practices, or gently suggest (or gift!) some of them to someone in your life who might need some nurturing.