Samoan Roasted Cacao Nibs 250g


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Samoan Cacao from time passed to today is known as one of the best flavoured beans you can use for chocolate making. Introduced to Samoa around 700AD as our people navigated the Pacific and connected with indigenous peoples around the world. The cacao seeds brought back loved the rich Samoan soil and developed their own style and flavour. An aromatic light vanilla flavour with earthy tones, a compliment to many recipes.

Living KOKO works closely with Savaii Koko. All cacao is sources from small domestic farms around Samoa and fermented and dried in a central area in the village Asau.
Together they work to empower people in Samoa and their Pacific Island Community.



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Weight 0.314 kg
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Living Koko acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we are based on, Narrm (Melbourne); the Wurundjeri and neighbouring Boonwurrung Peoples of the Kulin Nation, Australia. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. Sovereignty was never ceded.

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Unit 59, 56-68 Eucumbene Drive, Ravenhall. VIC. 3023, Australia - Wurundjeri Country

Living Koko - Samoa, Papauta, Apia, Samoa

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